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After learning that Mutsumi has been taken by the Hokusai Gang, Tohru rushes to the wrong location to free him. Tohru is known for his beauty, and the thugs guarding the Hokusai office are quick to notice. Not wanting to rely on his father’s name, Tohru doesn’t reveal who he is, and with nothing to stop them, the lusty thugs quickly descend on him. When Mutsumi finally arrives to find Tohru nearly defiled, he flies into a rage and pulls out a gun! But how far will he go to save the man he loves?

By Youka Nitta
Release June 9, 2015
ISBN 9781421575872
Length 220 pages
Age Rating   Mature

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  1. smaragda April 20, 2020 - 18:58 PM

    I loved it. I can't wait finalizing "Spiritual Police" to buy all of it.
    thank you.

  2. starla August 22, 2018 - 06:37 AM

    soooo yummy, this one, soooooo bloody yummmmyyyyy! binged read all 3 volumes & it was one heckuva convoluted crazy ride... but it was good :) yakuza trope's my kryptonite and i hope Team Sublime will consider doing more badass titles in the future <3

  3. JenniferLeBlanc October 31, 2017 - 20:10 PM

    @aning06 We also have Spiritual Police. Right now, that's what we're publishing. :-)

  4. aning06 October 30, 2017 - 20:11 PM

    Hi, I like the work of Youka Nitta. Since this series is over, which of her work that you're going to publish, beside Embracing Love of course? Will you only publish sensei's new work or older works, too, such as boku no koe?

  5. Pennyiscute June 12, 2015 - 02:48 AM

    I chain-read this last night. What a great series and those smexy moments....wow! The art was stunning. I can't get enough of the quality. Thank you SO much SuBLime. I love you guys xox

  6. JenniferLeBlanc June 11, 2015 - 19:27 PM

    @Unknownbutcool It's over at three volumes. Thanks for pointing that out. Probably a setting I have to check someone in the admin side of the site. :-)

  7. Unknownbutcool June 11, 2015 - 17:29 PM

    @jennifer: isn't this manga is over? Why it's saying that its ongoing?

  8. JenniferLeBlanc June 11, 2015 - 17:11 PM

    @Pennyiscute You're welcome! And thanks for your support. ^_^

  9. Pennyiscute June 10, 2015 - 13:20 PM

    hmm, I haven't seen this series before...*reads preview* *checks number of volumes* Oh, all are released and ready buy! *adds to checkout* Thanks SuBLime!

  10. Zhippy June 09, 2015 - 21:16 PM

    Yay! The final volume. Can't wait to read my purchase. Another SuBLime series is complete!

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